As a player in the Kenyan Capital Markets, we would first like to commend the Capital Markets Authority (‘Authority’) on its commitment to improve the markets by introducing the updated draft regulations. We believe that improving the regulatory environment is one of the main ways to foster the growth of Capital Markets, promote investor protection and improve investor confidence through a transparent and efficient capital market. To this end, we have analyzed the RIA statement and the Capital Markets (Credit Rating Agencies) regulations and have identified Key positives and areas of improvement.
2. Areas of Improvement
No | Regulations | Areas of improvement | Conceptual Issues/Further comments | Recommendation |
1 | Regulation 14(2) | If a client does not cooperate with the rating agency so as to enable the credit rating agency to comply with the obligations under this regulations, the rating agency shall carry out the review on the basis of the best available information or in the manner as specified by Authority from time to time | The authority specifying the manner of review by the CRA interferes with CRAs independence. Allowing this regulation to remain as it is will create a juxtaposition for the CRAs as it is not in line with the IOSCO Code on credit rating. Instead, the authority should ensure that CRAs comply with Reg 16 of disclosure of ratings and rationale | The regulation should read, “If a client does not cooperate with the rating agency so as to enable the credit rating agency to comply with the obligations under this regulations, the rating agency shall carry out the review on the basis of the best available information” |
3. Conceptual Issues